World Travel

America Connected travels all over the world to further cultural diplomacy. The advantage to your company is brand image, sales, community and public relations. Traveling to different regions is excellent for advertising and building brand equity. 



Grab your passports that are filed away and locked up in your home office, because it is time to travel and fill up those stamps. Try new foods, appreciate foreign architecture and discover other cultures.  Most importantly, BE MOVED.  Not just by planes, buses, and trains, but by the places you discover and the people you meet along the way.


A vacation or trip is not just taking a break from our jobs, it’s a way to make connection, share experiences, and live your passions.  Be open to new ideas and be creative!


Explore foreign culture and customs. Try new foods, appreciate foreign architecture and discover other cultures. Most importantly, BE MOVED. Not just by planes, busses, and trains, but by the places you discover and the people you meet along the way. 

Want to travel with us

We offer great opportunities for people who want to travel and provide amazing benefits to businesses and individuals who want to enhance their brand exposure. If you have any questions please email